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Vice President for Membership

Vice President for Membership

Hello. It is my pleasure to serve on the Board as Vice President for Membership. Falmouth Newcomers is a social club of over 500 Falmouth residents who enjoy meeting fellow residents who are new to the area or who have had a life-changing event. We provide an opportunity to learn about the community and participate in enriching activities, social events, and programs. We have over 60 activities including biking, wine tasting, book clubs, current events, kayaking, dining in and out, field trips, golf, and scrapbooking to name just a few.

Membership is open to those who have lived in Falmouth for five years or less or have had a life- changing event such as change in marital status, death of spouse/partner, or retirement in the last five years. If you meet any of these requirements and would like to join us, please fill out the online application and release form.

We’d be happy to welcome you as a member of Falmouth Newcomers to meet new friends and adjust to your new surroundings while enjoying the many activities, socials, and programs. If you have any questions, please contact me at or 508-450-7281.

Vice President for Socials

Vice President for Socials

Dear Newcomers,
Welcome to the Socials page. Terri and I are pleased to be your new Socials contacts for the coming year! Be sure to attend all events offered by the social committee as you file them to be loads of fun!

Socials are open to all members (and sometimes Encore members and/or friends). Socials give you an opportunity to make new friends and build upon friendships you’ve already made here at Newcomers. You’ll learn more about all the wonderful activities available right here in Falmouth or nearby. And obviously, socials offer a chance to enjoy an afternoon or evening of fun and entertainment.

We try to plan several different types of social events that will appeal to a wide variety of interests. This year, we are planning seven socials! We’ll root for our hometeam, the Falmouth Commodores, enjoy our beautiful coastline with cruises around Falmouth, celebrate the seasons with various holiday events, participate in a Falmouth-style Cape Cod Clambake, and more. It will be fun!

You can find information about Socials on the website. In the Newsletter, we provide a “Save the Date” notice in advance of each event, and then the details, dates, cost, and reservation information are usually published two months before each social event. If you see something you like, sign up early – some of the venues have a maximum capacity!

We welcome your help to serve on a planning committee, which we will advertise in the Newsletter when the need arises, so consider volunteering! And always feel free to contact me or Terri with your thoughts or questions.

Thank you

Dena Quinn, Vice President of Socials
Terri Sachs, Assistant Vice President of Socials

Vice President for Activities

Vice President for Activities

In addition to the fun Socials and enriching Programs available to you throughout the year, your membership also offers you the opportunity to join a great variety of specific interest activities. Our activities fall into four broad categories: Book Clubs and Games, Outdoor Recreation, Social, and Special Interest. Some groups are small, some are large, and others have multiple groups of the same activity. These groups meet with varying regularity, depending on the individual activity. If we do not have an activity that you are seeking, we encourage you to consider starting one. Please contact us and we will help you get started!

Because our club is so vibrant and active, you may notice that some activity groups are full. If you find an activity that is listed as currently full, please consider starting an additional group. Reach out either to the contact person listed under the activity or to us and we can help you get started with leading a new group. If you are interested in an activity that is already full, chances are there are plenty of others who would also like to join and possibly even help you lead the group. Our club is a volunteer-run organization. Its enthusiastic membership is what makes it so great!

We are very appreciative of our creative, knowledgeable, and dedicated leaders for organizing these great leisure activities for us. We have so many options in which to enjoy ourselves while meeting new people and spending time in gorgeous Falmouth and beyond. Your new friends are out there waiting for you to join their groups!

Tiffany Persechini, VP for Activities
Donna Herrle, Assistant VP for Activities



Hi Newcomers,
I hope your new year is off to a great start! As we make way into our 41st Newcomer’s year, it looks to be a busy one, with great programs, socials and activities ahead.

We are always trying to keep up with the interests of all our members. Last year we affirmed our commitment to inclusion, creating a diversity committee and making a change to the Newcomers Purpose Statement to welcome and affirm diversity. The committee created an “Exploring Cultural Diversity in Falmouth” activity group that sponsors and promotes opportunities to explore the cultural diversity that is part of Falmouth’s history and community life. As part of this effort, our General Meeting speaker on February 13th will be the Reverend Nell Fields, from No Place for Hate - Falmouth, a community organization whose mission is to build bridges, combat bias, and promote respect through advocacy and education. I’m hearing that it will be both informative and interactive – a lively and thoughtful way to confirm our commitment to our diverse community.

This month we’re trying out something new in Socials – Timber Axe Bar and Bowl on February 10th! The evening includes pizza and salad, bowling, and you guessed it – axe throwing! (Not to worry – it’s all done in a safe and fun environment!). Should be lots of fun; I can almost hear the hoots and hollers now! The deadline to sign up is January 31st – so sign up today online or contact Socials, but hurry! You don’t want to miss the fun!

We’re also looking forward to our annual “Shamrock Luncheon” at Liam Maguires, in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. It takes place on Wednesday, March 12th, and it’s always a sellout with authentic Irish food and music.

And finally, we always enjoy our Meet and Mingle evenings where members get together in relatively small groups at peoples’ homes for an evening of socializing, sharing food and drinks, and getting to know each other. This is one of the best ways to meet other Newcomers and discover common interests, in the comfort of peoples’ homes. This month’s Meet and Mingle takes place on February 21st.

Lots to do! Stay warm and enjoy February!

Vice President for Programs

Vice President for Programs

To Newcomers,

I am VP for Programs and Jennifer Zetlan is Assistant VP for Programs. Monthly Programs and Speakers are planned at each Business Meeting on the second Thursday of each month, September through June.

We try to select speakers of interest to our members. This includes local authors, town officials and volunteer organizations. The monthly newsletter will provide you with updated program information. The website will provide any updates on program changes. By the way, many of our best speakers & program ideas are suggested by our members. If you have any suggestions for speakers, please email me.

Bill Kelly, VP for Programs

Newcomers Club of Falmouth
Contact us at, or
PO Box  2339, Teaticket, MA 02536

Photo Policy:  Only Newcomers members may submit photos for posting on the Newcomers Website or Facebook Page, or to be run in the Newsletter. Those submitting photos must ensure that all individuals pictured have agreed to the submission.

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